A cosy night in with GiftPup

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As the cooler weather is starting to creep in nothing says a cosy night in like finding the perfect film, snuggling under a blanket and breaking out the munchies!

And what better munchies to break out that the cheese and crackers!

Sitting around sharing cheese and crackers always makes me feel a little nostalgic and puts me in a festive mood.

This hamper i received from GiftPup certainly gave me all the festive feels and went down a treat.

With three of the tastiest Ford Farm cheeses : Farmhouse Cheddar with Mustard and Ale (Definitely my favorite!)

This cheese was go crumbly and the Mustard nor Ale was too over powering.

Cheddar with Caramelised Onion & Wensleydale with Cranberry.

Delicious “Oval Albert” cracker biscuits, – I had never had biscuits like this before they were sweet yet savory and complimented the cheese really well.

Cheddar and red onion crackers and tomato chutney.

Once we started eating them, they lasted a total of about five minutes, it was just that good!

Don’t worry if Cheese and Crackers isn’t your thing…

GiftPup have a wide range of yummy treats for everyone. From afternoon tea hampers, to retro sweets they have everything you need to bring something a bit different to you next film night!

They even have hampers for your four legged fluffy friends!

Also with Christmas on it’s way (Yes i’m sorry, i said it!)

These hampers would make the perfect Christmas eve box or even a gift for someone special!

Why not head over to GiftPup and see what goodies catch your eye!

And don’t worry if you’re a bit rubbish at picking out gifts they have a “inspire me” section where the best trending items are all on one page, so you can’t really go wrong!

*items in this post were sent to me for review

Until next time.

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